Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wales and London

Cardiff bus stop blues with hellos and goodbyes, Welsh mining valleys, red-painted churches, sheep with tails, mountain mist, Butty Bough ale (my spelling), kiss of the dragon, trolls, cheese, Indian food, Pakistani food, BROWNIES, Sex and the City, Tate Museum, St. Paul's, choral Evensong, Westminster Abbey, Hyde Park, swans, Victoria and Albert Museum, ballgowns, tea tea tea, and FINALLY some cheap clothes.

These last four days have been so full! Cardiff and London poured some of their delights into my lap-- but I'm greedy and I want to steal back for more!

It's funny, I've visited Beth and Huma now, and they both say the same thing: that they wish they could see their hometowns with an outsider's perspective. Apparently only a visitor fauns over historical details, side street architecture, and tiny flowers.  I hope whatever new home I make or return to, I can see it with traveler's eyes.

Applicable advice:

Tonight I saw a filmed screening of All's Well That Ends Well done by the Royal Theatre Company at the Globe. Wonderful acting, and probably better to see and hear in this campus theater than at the Globe itself. And for this weekend, I *think* I'm staying at Canterbury...

1 comment:

  1. HOLY MOTHER I AM GREEN WITH ENVY. Your photos are to DIE FOR. I can't wait to see you. Less than a week.
